Introduction to Ramsey Number, and Some Elementary Yet Beautiful Examples

Title: Introduction to Ramsey Number, and Some Elementary Yet Beautiful Examples

Speaker: Boyoon Lee

Date/Time/Location: Friday, February 24th, at 1:00pm, CMC 109

Abstract: Ramsey theory can be roughly understood to be the statement on the existence of regular structure in a seemingly chaotic environment.

In this talk designed for people who have little to no experience in Ramsey theory, we will go over what the Ramsey number is, how hard it is to track down any of them while the question of finding one seems quite unassuming/innocuous.

We will warm up with a very easy case of a particular Ramsey number r(3,3)=6.

Then, we will borrow a pure genius argument of L. Lovász to reach the conclusion of Ramsey number r(3,3,3)=17 and be amazed.

The meaning of r(a, b, c, ..) is going to be given at the talk.

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