Title: A Gentle Introduction to Infinite-Dimensional Lie Algebras
Speaker: Nathan Hayford
Date: Thursday, July 9th
Time: 2:00 pm
Abstract: Infinite-dimensional Lie algebras have found applications in conformal field theory, integrable systems, and number theory, among other areas of mathematics. However, one wonders exactly how these algebras arise in such contexts, and moreover what is even meant by “infinite-dimensional Lie algebra” in the first place. In this talk, I will try to give a friendly introduction to the field of infinite-dimensional Lie algebras, and try to give the listener some operational familiarity with these structures by providing a few explicit examples. Furthermore, I will mention a few specific problems in mathematics where such algebras have been useful.
Link to Zoom meeting: https://zoom.us/j/5082038044?pwd=YUVBdkZvZU5RYXBYZmU5ZGRFZnE1Zz09
Video: Google Drive
Slides: Google Drive